Mutual Fund Calculator

MF SIP Calculator

Total Amount: ₹10,327,601

Investment Amount: ₹6,000,000

Expected Return: ₹4,327,601

Year Interest Future Value
1 ₹33,514 ₹633,514
2 ₹133,365 ₹1,333,365
3 ₹306,500 ₹2,106,500
4 ₹560,592 ₹2,960,592
5 ₹904,119 ₹3,904,119
6 ₹1,346,445 ₹4,946,445
7 ₹1,897,917 ₹6,097,917
8 ₹2,569,963 ₹7,369,963
9 ₹3,375,208 ₹8,775,208
10 ₹4,327,601 ₹10,327,601

SIP vs Lumpsum Comparison

Comparison based on the following parameters:

Investment Type Interest Future Value
SIP ₹3,544,599 ₹9,544,599
Lumpsum ₹9,562,455 ₹15,562,455

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Input the Monthly investment amount,expected annual return, the tenure of investments(years). It will convert the annual return to a monthly return, the calculate the future value,the total investment amount and so on by SIP(lumpsum) formla.

Mutual funds offer several benefits, including:

  • Professional management
  • Diversification
  • Affordability
  • Liquidity

The formula for SIP investments: FV = P × [(1 + i)^n - 1] / i

  1. FV : the future value
  2. P is the monthly investment
  3. i is the monthly interest rate (annual rate divided by 12)
  4. n is the investment tenure (in months).

The formula for lumpsum investments: FV = PV × (1 + r)^n

  1. PV is the initial investment(total investment)
  2. r is the annual interest rate
  3. n is the investment tenure (in years)
  1. investors can compare the expected returns of different investment plans based on their investment capacity and goals, then them can make informed investment decisions.
  2. Planning for the future: By estimating the maturity value of investments, investors can plan their financial goals better , such as retirement, education, or buying a house.